To honor and remember our loved ones gone home, you may add an obituary or a small memorial or comment.
The Sun Never Really Sets
The Sun Never Really Sets

It was not by coincidence that God’s angel took my hand and whispered
“Come with me, your work here is done.”
I went away to a place where there are no tears, nor sorrow only laughter and smiles.
 A place where there will always be a Tomorrow.
As I move amongst the clouds
I’ll look down and smile upon you; while the angels sing a heavenly song.
I am not alone; all who went before me are here; they awaited my return.
I know you grieved and I want you to keep me in your memories and hold them dear.
Remember how much I loved you and Know that I took your love with me.
My Lord’s angels called me, it was not a call I could deny.
I do not wish for you to cry, nor feel sad. My life’s service is done. I am free!
One day we will meet again, until then God will be with you, just as He is with me.
Praise God for your Life’s Service that filled us with your life’s treasures.